Quote Dr. Bakhtiar (Ph.D) "Bananas are the worst thing to stain human-kind. They are a blight on society, absolute abortions of "fruits." Nothing captures the failings of the human race's rampant consumerism and the depravity thereof like the banana. Truly, there was a catastrophic lapse in judgement when God allowed these things to plague the earth with their sheer existence."If you like bananas, please seek immediate recovery. Recovery IS possible.PBSD Hotline
(248) 434-5508


"I love bananas! They're a sweet treat for me and the family."John. B. Nana, died later in a fatal car accident, buying bananas from the market. (2019)
"Bananas scuffed my family out of existence. I'm the only living survivor."Edgar "Poe" Tassium, later found an oil well in his backyard. He is now rich. (Now)
"I saw a banana once, and as I was about to pick it up, a stray harpoon pierced my chest. It's a miracle I'm alive, I've learned my lesson."Harley P. Oune, later recovered completely. Owns an apple orchard. (1928)

In Inverso